

Name: Coraline
By: Neil Gaiman
Narrated by: Neil Gaiman
Length 3 hrs and 35 mins
Category: Children’s Audiobooks, Literature & Fiction
Release Date: 0003-11-04
Language: English

Neil Gaiman’s velvety voice, weaving like an ancient bard, effortlessly pulls you into the fantastical world of Coraline, the Audiobook, where echoes of the eerie and wisps of the wondrous waltz together. It was in The Sandman that the author used such a voice for the first time and here he has tried it once again.

Coraline, with her effervescent spirit, finds her days torpid in a new house that is a cobweb of rooms and secrets. The echoes of her footsteps mingle with the forgotten stories the old house holds in its ancient wooden embrace. Her somnolent routine with her parents, who seem ensnared by the lullaby of their mundane lives, pushes Coraline to explore the hidden nooks and crannies. Within this trove of the mundane, she stumbles upon a tiny, enchanted door. Through the door, she slips into a world that mirrors her own, but with an allure that dances like starlight. Here, her ‘Other Mother’ and ‘Other Father,’ doppelgangers of her real parents, lavishly smother her with affection and delights she craves.

However, in this mirrored wonderland, shadows stretch and secrets deepen. Coraline soon discovers the sinister web spun by her ‘Other Mother,’ who is, in truth, a malevolent being with buttons for eyes, yearning to trap Coraline’s soul. The spindly ‘Other Father’ reveals his marionette-like existence, bound by the twisted strings of the ‘Other Mother’.

Other specters emerge; the souls of children, cocooned in sorrow, entombed by the ‘Other Mother’s’ malefic grip. They plead for Coraline’s help to free them. Her resolve turns adamantine. With a heart ablaze and a nimble mind, Coraline navigates a labyrinth of riddles and challenges. Along the way, a cryptic black cat, who strides between worlds, becomes her ally. Her neighbors, Miss Spink and Miss Forcible, former actresses with a cauldron of arcane knowledge, and the quirky Mr. Bobo with his circus of mice, add color and magic to the tapestry of her quest.

Neil Gaiman’s enchanting timbre spins the tale like The Sandman: Act III i.e with the finesse of a loom weaving silken threads. The echoes of his narration pirouette in tandem with the chills that scamper down your spine as Coraline’s heroism, wrapped in innocence, battles the macabre and sinister shadows.

In an audacious feat of cunning and courage, Coraline outwits the ‘Other Mother,’ liberating the captive souls and rekindling the ethereal bond with her own family. The tale cascades into an opera of triumph as the shadows retreat and the whispers of the old house become songs of victory.

This Audiobook, with Neil Gaiman as the virtuoso maestro of storytelling, becomes a portal, inviting listeners into a fable of darkness kissed by stars, where a young girl, with stars in her eyes and shadows at her heels, triumphs over the ensnaring abyss.

Full Audiobook

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