Cutting for Stone

Name: Cutting for Stone
By: Abraham Verghese
Narrated by: Sunil Malhotra
Length 23 hrs and 54 mins
Category: Literature & Fiction, Genre Fiction
Release Date: 0009-01-31
Language: English

There is no definitive answer to this question, as the novel has been popular in many different countries and regions for different reasons. However, some of the most likely contenders for the title of “most popular” would be Africa, the Middle East, and India, due to the novel’s strong themes of cultural and religious identity. Additionally, its portrayal of the human capacity for empathy and compassion is likely to resonate strongly with readers in these regions, who may have experienced similar struggles in their own lives.

The novel follows the life of Marion Stone, a surgeon, from his birth in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in 1954 to his residency in New York City in the 1980s. The novel spans a period of political upheaval in Ethiopia, from the Emperor Haile Selassie’s regime to the Marxist Derg regime, to the Ethiopian Civil War. The novel also touches on the Indian Emergency, and the AIDS epidemic in New York City.

The novel Cutting for Stone is a story about two brothers, Marion and Shiva Stone, who are born in Ethiopia and raised in a missionary hospital. The novel deals with themes of family, love, loss, betrayal, and redemption. The novel also explores the topics of medical ethics and the effects of war on the human psyche.

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