
Name: Drive
By: Daniel H. Pink
Narrated by: Daniel H. Pink
Length 5 hrs and 53 mins
Category: Business & Careers, Marketing & Sales
Release Date: 0009-12-26
Language: English

The Drive is a book about the science of motivation by Daniel H. Pink. In it, Pink argues that the traditional view of motivation, which focuses on rewards and punishments, is wrong. Instead, he argues that the key to motivation is autonomy, mastery, and purpose.

There is nothing particularly special about the content or characters of Drive. However, the film has been praised for its stylish and visually arresting approach to storytelling, as well as its strong performances by its cast, which includes Ryan Gosling, Carey Mulligan, and Bryan Cranston.

Drive inspires listeners by providing them with high-quality music that they can enjoy and appreciate. The music on Drive is carefully selected to provide listeners with a wide range of genres and styles, so that there is something for everyone to enjoy. In addition, Drive offers a variety of features that make listening to music more enjoyable, such as the ability to create custom playlists and the option to listen to music offline.

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