Flash Boys

Name: Flash Boys
By: Michael Lewis
Narrated by: Dylan Baker
Length 10 hrs and 15 mins
Category: Money & Finance, Economics
Release Date: 2014-03-30
Language: English

The Flash Boys is a book that was published in 2014. It is about a group of people who were able to exploit the stock market by using high-frequency trading.

The content of Flash Boys is what users are interested in. The book tells the story of how a group of Wall Street traders used high-frequency trading to exploit the stock market.

1. “The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine” by Michael Lewis
2. “Liar’s Poker: Rising Through the Wreckage on Wall Street” by Michael Lewis
3. “The Wolf of Wall Street” by Jordan Belfort
4. “The Quants: How a New Breed of Math Whizzes Conquered Wall Street and Nearly Destroyed It” by Scott Patterson
5. “The Billionaire’s Vinegar: The Mystery of the World’s Most Expensive Bottle of Wine” by Benjamin Wallace
6. “The Vinland Sagas: The Norse Discovery of America” by Anonymous

Do you want to know how the stock market really works? Do you want to learn about the people who make billions of dollars by using high-speed computers and complex algorithms to trade in the blink of an eye? If so, then you need to check out Flash Boys by Michael Lewis.

In this book, Lewis takes us inside the world of high-frequency trading, and the people who have perfected it. We learn how they use their technology to gain an edge over the rest of the market, and how they are able to make huge profits in a matter of seconds.

Although some people view high-frequency trading as unfair and dangerous, Lewis makes a compelling case that it is here to stay. If you want to understand how the stock market really works, then you need to read Flash Boys.

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