

Name: Mythos
By: Stephen Fry
Narrated by: Stephen Fry
Series: Mythos
Length 15 hrs and 26 mins
Category: History, Ancient History
Release Date: 2019-08-26
Language: English

One cannot help but be transported back to the primordial times where Chaos gave birth to Gaia, the Earth. From her embrace emerged Ouranos, the Sky, whose union with Gaia begot a race of divine beings – the Titans. Cronus, the most potent of Titans, inspired by portents of being dethroned by his offspring, swallowed his children whole, save for the mighty Zeus, who is shielded from this fate by his mother, Rhea.

In a world governed by immortals, Zeus, with his cunning and prowess, engineers the downfall of Cronus and liberates his siblings. The Olympian era is heralded as Zeus ascends to become the ruler of the cosmos. Mount Olympus becomes home to a cohort of gods and goddesses, whose antics and affections mirror the tapestry of human life.

There, the mellifluous muses with their enchanting songs charm the audience of deities, while Aphrodite’s beauty bewitches hearts. Ares’ brawn and wrath unleash the drums of war, and Artemis’ arrows fly as silently as the moon she governs. Hermes, with his winged sandals, weaves through the air like a whiff of mischief, while the mighty Poseidon’s trident stirs the very depths of the ocean.

As the gods engage in their ethereal dalliances, mortals dwell below with their plights and triumphs. Among them, we meet valiant heroes like Heracles and Theseus, who wrestle with beasts and venture through labyrinths. Characters such as King Midas and Pandora leave a trail of misfortune in their wake as they grapple with desires and consequences.

Mythos introduces the fates, whose threads weave through destinies, and nymphs whose voices can charm the wildest beast. Even the trees and rocks are not mere spectators but partake in the drama. Every creature, divine or mortal, is part of the elaborate dance, in this boundless fable, resounding through the eons.

The tales are imbued with triumph, tragedy, love, deceit, and a myriad of emotions, set in an awe-inspiring world that is both fantastical yet familiar. Stephen Fry’s enthralling voice – resonant, nimble, and colored with wit – conducts the listener through this labyrinthine epic with the deftness of Hermes himself.

In summary, Mythos is an opulent feast like Heroes and Troy, where each morsel is a tale intricately woven and served by a maestro. Through the resounding voice of Stephen Fry, the echoes of the ancient world reach across time, and invite the listener to be swept along in the currents of these timeless tales. The lineage of the gods, the exploits of heroes, and the heartaches of mortals, together compose an endless poem that sings through the ages, a song that, once heard, leaves the soul forever enchanted.

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