Radical Candor

Name: Radical Candor
By: Kim Scott
Narrated by: Kim Scott
Length 9 hrs and 23 mins
Category: Business & Careers, Management & Leadership
Release Date: 2017-03-13
Language: English

Radical Candor is a book and podcast series about how to be a great boss. It covers topics such as how to give feedback, how to manage difficult conversations, and how to build a strong team. The series is hosted by Kim Scott, who is a former Google executive and the author of the book Radical Candor.

Radical Candor is a book that was written by Kim Scott. The book is about how to be a better leader by being more candid with your employees. The book discusses the importance of giving feedback, both positive and negative, in order to help employees grow and improve. Radical Candor also covers the topic of how to handle conflict within a team.

I can’t say that I have a specific writing style. I just write the way I write.

In her book, Radical Candor, Kim Scott provides a framework for how to give feedback that is both clear and compassionate. She advocates for a style of communication that is direct, honest, and respectful.Scott’s book has been praised for its insights into the importance of candor in the workplace. However, some reviewers have criticized her advice as being too harsh and lacking in empathy. Overall, Radical Candor is an insightful and thought-provoking book about the importance of giving feedback effectively.

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