Summer Knight

Name: Summer Knight
By: Jim Butcher
Narrated by: James Marsters
Series: The Dresden Files
Length 11 hrs and 13 mins
Category: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense, Mystery
Release Date: 0008-12-25
Language: English

James Marsters is the Summer Knight of the White Council of Wizards. He is a skilled wizard and warrior, and is responsible for protecting the mortals of the world from the supernatural forces that would do them harm. Marsters is a powerful and respected figure within the wizarding community, and is known for his courage and dedication to his duty.

The Summer Knight belongs to The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher.

As a result of her actions in the previous novel, wizarding law enforcement has put a price on Harry Dresden’s head, so he goes into hiding. While in hiding, Dresden is approached by Mab, the Faerie queen of winter, who offers to drop the bounty on his head if he agrees to work for her. Dresden agrees, and is given the task of finding out who killed Maeve, the former queen of summer.

Dresden’s investigation leads him to Chicago’s South Side, where he encounters the Red Court of vampires. He also meets Thomas Raith, a white court vampire and Maeve’s son, who is also investigating her death. Together, they discover that Maeve was killed by a group of vampires known as the Black Court. Dresden and Raith confront the Black Court, but are outnumbered and outmatched. Dresden is only saved by the intervention of the Summer Knight, who kills the Black Court vampires.

With the Black Court vampires gone, Dresden and Raith are able to discover that Maeve was killed because she was going to reveal the existence of vampires to the world. The Summer Knight tells Dresden that he must take Maeve’s place as the new Summer King, and Dresden reluctantly agrees.

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