The Adventure of the ‘Western Star’

Name: The Adventure of the ‘Western Star’
By: Agatha Christie
Narrated by: Hugh Fraser
Length 46 mins
Category: Literature & Fiction, Anthologies & Short Stories
Release Date: 2012-11-12
Language: English

The audiobook The Adventure of the ‘Western Star’ benefits from being read by a narrator with a clear, distinct voice. This allows the listener to follow the story easily and to understand the characters’ motivations. Additionally, the narrator’s voice is well-suited to the story’s suspenseful moments, which makes for an enjoyable listening experience.

In “The Adventure of the Western Star”, Sherlock Holmes is asked to solve the mystery of a broken vase and a dead canary. The canary belonged to an actress, who was rehearsing a play in which she played a character who died of poisoning. The vase was broken when the canary’s cage was knocked over. Holmes deduces that the canary was poisoned and that the actress was the intended target. He also deduces that the murderer is the actress’s understudy, who is in love with her and wants her to get the lead role in the play.

Inspector Jules Maigret, Chief Inspector of the Paris Police Department;

Superintendent Lognon, a dour and unpleasant detective;

Lucas, Maigret’s assistant;

Joseph, the office boy;

Torrence, another detective;

Pere Jules, Maigret’s father-in-law;

Mme. Maigret, Maigret’s wife;

Mme. Jeanne Debienne and Mme. Pablo Debienne, owners of the Western Star;

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Aylmer, English guests at the Western Star;

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tissot, French guests at the Western Star;

Mr. and Mrs. Klein, German guests at the Western Star;

Miss Harriet Sorenson, an American guest at the Western Star;

Mr. and Mrs. Popinga, Dutch guests at the Western Star;

Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Ferramolino, Italian guests at the Western Star;

Mr. and Mrs. Ivanov, Russian guests at the Western Star;

Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt, Austrian guests at the Western Star;

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