Thinking, Fast and Slow

Name: Thinking, Fast and Slow
By: Daniel Kahneman
Narrated by: Patrick Egan
Length 20 hrs and 2 mins
Category: Business & Careers, Career Success
Release Date: 2011-10-24
Language: English

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There are many reasons why someone might choose to read Thinking, Fast and Slow. The book examines the science of human decision-making, and how our brains can lead us to make suboptimal choices. It also explores the implications of these findings for fields such as economics, business, and politics.

“Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman is a New York Times bestseller. The book offers a perspective on why and how humans think, and how we make decisions.

Kahneman is a psychologist, and he uses his knowledge of how humans think to explain why we sometimes make bad decisions. He also offers ways to make better decisions.

The book is divided into two sections: “Thinking, Fast and Slow” and “The Two Systems.” In the first section, Kahneman explains the two systems of thinking: System 1 and System 2.

System 1 is fast, automatic, and emotional. It is the system we use when we drive a car or recognize a face. System 2 is slower, more deliberative, and more logical. It is the system we use when we do math or read a book.

Kahneman argues that we often make bad decisions because we rely too much on System 1. We make decisions based on our gut feelings, without thinking things through.

The second section of the book explains how we can use System 2 to make better decisions. Kahneman offers practical advice on how to slow down and think things through.


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