Why We Get Fat

Name: Why We Get Fat
By: Gary Taubes
Narrated by: Mike Chamberlain
Length 7 hrs and 58 mins
Category: Health & Wellness, Fitness, Diet & Nutrition
Release Date: 2010-12-27
Language: English

There are many reasons why people search for Why We Get Fat. Some people want to know why they are overweight, while others want to learn how to avoid gaining weight. There are also many people who are interested in losing weight and want to know the best way to do this.

Some special characters in Why We Get Fat include “,” “.” “‘” “-” “?” “!” “:” “;”

I couldn’t find anything on Gary Taubes’s writing style specifically, but he is a science journalist, so his writing is probably fairly straightforward and informative. books are Why We Get Fat and Good Calories, Bad Calories.

Why We Get Fat and Good Calories, Bad Calories

An Expert Guide to the Science of Weight Loss

The simple truth is that weight gain and obesity are caused by an excess of fat in the diet—and not by an excess of calories. The problem is that the fat is in the wrong places—too much in the meat, dairy, and processed foods we eat, and not enough in the vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds that should be our staple diet.

In this groundbreaking book, bestselling author Gary Taubes argues that the prevailing wisdom on weight loss is not only wrong but potentially dangerous. He provides compelling evidence that the low-fat, calorie-restricted diet recommended by most health authorities is actually the cause of our epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Taubes shows us that the problem is not too much fat; it’s too many carbohydrates. He explains how the “miracle” Low-Fat Diet became the default recommendation of the USDA Food Pyramid, the government’s official diet, without any real evidence to support it.

He exposes the bad science and flawed logic that has led to the current crisis, and he provides a

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